46 research outputs found

    Étude des antineutrinos de rĂ©acteurs (mesure de l'angle de mĂ©lange leptonique et recherche d'Ă©ventuels neutrinos stĂ©riles)

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    L expérience Double Chooz a pour but la mesure précise de l angle de mélange . Son évaluation repose sur l étude de la disparition des antineutrinos produits par les réacteurs de la centrale de Chooz, disparition due au phénomÚne d oscillation des neutrinos. Deux détecteurs identiques composés de liquide scintillant permettent d effectuer une mesure relative, diminuant ainsi les incertitudes systématiques. Le détecteur proche, qui fournit la normalisation du flux de neutrinos émis, est en cours d installation, son achÚvement est prévu pour le printemps 2014. Le détecteur lointain, sensible à l effet de , est situé à un kilomÚtre environ et prend des données depuis 2011. Dans cette premiÚre phase de l expérience, les données acquises par le détecteur lointain sont comparées à une prédiction du flux de neutrinos émis par les réacteurs pour estimer le paramÚtre . Au sein de cette thÚse, l expérience Double Chooz et son analyse sont présentées. Une attention particuliÚre est portée à l étude des bruits de fond et au rejet de signaux parasites constitués de flashs lumineux émis par les photo-multiplicateurs. Les flux de neutrons aux interfaces entre les différents volumes du détecteur affectent la définition du volume d interaction et partant l efficacité de détection. L étude détaillée de ces effets de bord est présentée. Dans le cadre de l expérience Double Chooz, des études ont été menées afin d améliorer la prédiction des flux de neutrinos émis par les réacteurs. Ces travaux ont mis à jour un déficit des taux de neutrinos observés dans les expériences passées à courtes distances des réacteurs. Ce déficit pourrait s expliquer par une oscillation vers une saveur stérile. Le projet Stereo a pour but d observer la distorsion caractéristique de l oscillation du spectre des neutrinos en énergie et en distance de propagation. Cette thÚse s attache à présenter le concept du détecteur, les simulations réalisées, ainsi que les études de sensibilité. Les différents bruits de fond et les blindages envisagés pour s en prémunir sont enfin discutés.The Double Chooz experiment aims to measure the mixing angle through the disappearance induced by the oscillation phenomenon of anti-neutrinos produced by the Chooz nuclear reactors. In order to reduce systematic uncertainties, the experiment relies on the relative comparison of detected signals in two identical liquid scintillator detectors. The near one, giving the normalization of the emitted flux, is currently being built and will be delivered in spring 2014. The far detector, sensitive to , is located at about one kilometer and is taking data since 2011. In this first phase of the experiment, the far detector data are compared to a prediction of the emitted neutrino flux to estimate . In this thesis, the Double Chooz experiment and its analysis are presented, especially the background studies and the rejection of parasitic signals due to light emitted by photo-multipliers. Neutron fluxes between the different detector volumes impact the definition of the fiducial volume of neutrino interactions and the efficiency of detection. Detailed studies of these effects are presented. As part of the Double Chooz experiment, studies were performed to improve the prediction of neutrino flux emitted by reactors. This work revealed a deficit of observed neutrino rates in the short baseline experiments of last decades. This deficit could be explained by an oscillation to a sterile state. The Stereo project aims to observe a typical signature of oscillations: the distortion of neutrino spectra both in energy and baseline. This thesis presents the detector concept and simulations as well as sensitivity studies. Background sources and the foreseen shielding are also discussed.PARIS11-SCD-Bib. électronique (914719901) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Visual analytics for the interpretation of fluency tests during Alzheimer evaluation

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    International audienceA possible way to evaluate the progress of Alzheimer disease is to conduct the Isaac set test [13, 14]. In this activity, patients are asked to cite the largest possible number of city names within a minute. Since the city names are handwritten very quickly by a medical practitioner some cities are abbreviated or poorly written. In order to analyze such data, medical practitioners need to digitize the notes first and clean the dataset. Because these tasks are intricate and error prone we propose a novel set of tools, involving interactive visualization techniques, to help medical practitioners in the digitization and data-cleaning process. This system will be tested as part of an ongoing longitudinal study involving 9500 patients

    Lung transplantation after allogeneic stem cell transplantation : a pan-European experience

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    Late-onset noninfectious pulmonary complications (LONIPCs) affect 6% of allogeneic stem cell transplantation (SCT) recipients within 5 years, conferring subsequent 5-year survival of 50%. Lung transplantation is rarely performed in this setting due to concomitant extrapulmonary morbidity, excessive immunosuppression and concerns about recurring malignancy being considered contraindications. This study assesses survival in highly selected patients undergoing lung transplantation for LONIPCs after SCT. SCT patients undergoing lung transplantation at 20 European centres between 1996 and 2014 were included. Clinical data pre- and post-lung transplantation were reviewed. Propensity score-matched controls were generated from the Eurotransplant and Scandiatransplant registries. Kaplan-Meier survival analysis and Cox proportional hazard regression models evaluating predictors of graft loss were performed. Graft survival at 1, 3 and 5 years of 84%, 72% and 67%, respectively, among the 105 SCT patients proved comparable to controls (p=0.75). Sepsis accounted for 15 out of 37 deaths (41%), with prior mechanical ventilation (HR 6.9, 95% CI 1.0-46.7; p Lung transplantation outcomes following SCT were comparable to other end-stage diseases. Lung transplantation should be considered feasible in selected candidates. No SCT-specific factors influencing outcome were identified within this carefully selected patient cohort.Peer reviewe

    Vaccine breakthrough hypoxemic COVID-19 pneumonia in patients with auto-Abs neutralizing type I IFNs

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    Life-threatening `breakthrough' cases of critical COVID-19 are attributed to poor or waning antibody response to the SARS- CoV-2 vaccine in individuals already at risk. Pre-existing autoantibodies (auto-Abs) neutralizing type I IFNs underlie at least 15% of critical COVID-19 pneumonia cases in unvaccinated individuals; however, their contribution to hypoxemic breakthrough cases in vaccinated people remains unknown. Here, we studied a cohort of 48 individuals ( age 20-86 years) who received 2 doses of an mRNA vaccine and developed a breakthrough infection with hypoxemic COVID-19 pneumonia 2 weeks to 4 months later. Antibody levels to the vaccine, neutralization of the virus, and auto- Abs to type I IFNs were measured in the plasma. Forty-two individuals had no known deficiency of B cell immunity and a normal antibody response to the vaccine. Among them, ten (24%) had auto-Abs neutralizing type I IFNs (aged 43-86 years). Eight of these ten patients had auto-Abs neutralizing both IFN-a2 and IFN-., while two neutralized IFN-omega only. No patient neutralized IFN-ss. Seven neutralized 10 ng/mL of type I IFNs, and three 100 pg/mL only. Seven patients neutralized SARS-CoV-2 D614G and the Delta variant (B.1.617.2) efficiently, while one patient neutralized Delta slightly less efficiently. Two of the three patients neutralizing only 100 pg/mL of type I IFNs neutralized both D61G and Delta less efficiently. Despite two mRNA vaccine inoculations and the presence of circulating antibodies capable of neutralizing SARS-CoV-2, auto-Abs neutralizing type I IFNs may underlie a significant proportion of hypoxemic COVID-19 pneumonia cases, highlighting the importance of this particularly vulnerable population

    Bundling : une Technique de RĂ©duction d'Occultation par AgrĂ©gation Visuelle et son Application Ă  l'Étude de la Maladie d'Alzheimer

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    Dense and complex data visualizations suffer from occluded items, which hinders insight retrieval. This is especiallythe case for very large graph or trails set. To address cluttering issues, several techniques propose to visually simplifythe representation, often meeting scalability and computational speed limits. Among them, bundling techniquesprovide a visual simplification of node-link diagrams by spatially grouping similar items. This thesis strives tobridge the gap between the technical complexity of bundling techniques and the end-point user.The first aim of this thesis was to improve the understanding of graph and trail bundling techniques as a clutterreduction method for node-link diagrams of large data-set. To do so, we created a data-based taxonomy thatorganizes bundling methods on the type of data they work on. From this thorough review and based on a formaldefinition of path bundling, we propose a unified framework that describes the typical steps of bundling algorithmsin terms of high-level operations and show how existing methods classes implement these steps. In addition,we propose a description of tasks that bundling aims to address and demonstrate them through a wide set ofapplications.Although many techniques exist, handling large data-sets and selectively bundling paths based on attributes isstill a challenge. To answer the scalability and computational speed issues of bundling techniques, we propose anew technique which improves both. For this, we shift the bundling process from the image to the spectral space,thereby increasing computational limits. We address the later by proposing a streaming scheme allowing bundlingof extremely large data-sets.Finally, as an application domain, we studied how bundling can be used as an efficient visualization technique forsocietal health challenges. In the context of a national study on Alzheimer disease, we focused our research onthe analysis of the mental representation of geographical space for elderly people. We show that using bundlingto compare the cognitive maps of dement and non-dement subjects helped neuro-psychologist to formulate newhypotheses on the evolution of Alzheimer disease. These new hypotheses led us to discover a potential marker ofthe disease years before the actual diagnosiLe big data est un challenge majeur de la visualisation ; l’augmentation du nombre de donnĂ©es Ă  visualiser augmentela densitĂ© et l’occultation des graphes et il devient difficile de distinguer les Ă©lĂ©ments qui le compose. Pour rĂ©soudrece challenge, plusieurs techniques de visualisation se focalisent sur la simplification visuelle ; parmi elles, l’agrĂ©ga-tion visuelle (bundling) permet l’agrĂ©gation des liens pour crĂ©er des zones de fortes densitĂ©s au profit d’espacesplus clairsemĂ©s faisant ainsi Ă©merger des structures visuelles. Cette thĂšse s’efforce Ă  faire le trait d’union entre lacomplexitĂ© technique des algorithmes de bundling et les utilisateurs finaux.Dans un premier temps, nous avons formalisĂ© l’espace de design des techniques de bundling afin d’amĂ©liorer lacomprĂ©hension des chercheurs et des utilisateurs. Notre formalisation se fonde sur une taxonomie centrĂ©e utilisateurorganisant l’ensemble des techniques d’agrĂ©gation en fonction des donnĂ©es d’entrĂ©e. Ensuite, Ă  partir d’une dĂ©finitionformelle du bundling, nous proposons un modĂšle gĂ©nĂ©rique dĂ©crivant l’ensemble des Ă©tapes usuelles des algorithmesde bundling et montrons comment les techniques existantes implĂ©mentent chaque Ă©tape. Enfin, Ă  travers une analysedes tĂąches, nous exposons des cas d’utilisation avĂ©rĂ©s.Notre analyse de l’espace des techniques de bundling nous a montrĂ© les limites actuelles du bundling quant au trai-tement de grande quantitĂ© de donnĂ©es tant en terme de rapiditĂ© de calcul qu’en terme de taille des jeux de donnĂ©es.Ainsi, nous avons rĂ©solu ces limites en introduisant une nouvelle technique plus rapide et sans limitation de taille :FFTEB (Fast Fourier Transform Edge Bundling Technique). Notre technique dĂ©place le processus d’agrĂ©gation del’espace pixelaire vers l’espace spectral. Enfin, grĂące Ă  un processus de transfert des donnĂ©es, FFTEB rĂ©sout lesproblĂšmes de taille de jeux de donnĂ©es.En dernier lieu, dans le cadre d’une application Ă  la maladie d’Alzheimer, cette thĂšse dĂ©montre l’efficacitĂ© destechniques de bundling comme outil d’exploration visuelle. Dans le contexte d’une Ă©tude nationale sur la maladied’Alzheimer, nous avons focalisĂ© notre recherche sur l’analyse de la reprĂ©sentation mentale de l’espace gĂ©ographiquechez les personnes ĂągĂ©es. Nous montrons que l’utilisation du bundling pour comparer les cartes mentales despopulations dĂ©mentes et non-dĂ©mentes a permis Ă  des neuropsychologues de formuler de nouvelles hypothĂšses surl’évolution de la maladie d’Alzheimer. Ces nouvelles hypothĂšses nous ont permis de montrer l’émergence d’unpotentiel marqueur de la maladie prĂšs de douze ans avant que les patients ne soient diagnostiquĂ©s comme atteintsde cette maladie

    Bundling : a clutter reduction technique and its application to Alzheimer study

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    Le big data est un challenge majeur de la visualisation ; l'augmentation du nombre de données à visualiser augmente la densité et l'occultation des graphes et il devient difficile de distinguer les éléments qui le compose. Pour résoudre ce challenge, plusieurs techniques de visualisation se focalisent sur la simplification visuelle ; parmi elles, l'agrégation visuelle (bundling) permet l'agrégation des liens pour créer des zones de fortes densités au profit d'espaces plus clairsemés faisant ainsi émerger des structures visuelles. Cette thÚse s'efforce à faire le trait d'union entre la complexité technique des algorithmes de bundling et les utilisateurs finaux. Dans un premier temps, nous avons formalisé l'espace de design des techniques de bundling afin d'améliorer la compréhension des chercheurs et des utilisateurs. Notre formalisation se fonde sur une taxonomie centrée utilisateur organisant l'ensemble des techniques d'agrégation en fonction des données d'entrée. Ensuite, à partir d'une définition formelle du bundling, nous proposons un modÚle générique décrivant l'ensemble des étapes usuelles des algorithmes de bundling et montrons comment les techniques existantes implémentent chaque étape. Enfin, à travers une analyse des tùches, nous exposons des cas d'utilisation avérés. Notre analyse de l'espace des techniques de bundling nous a montré les limites actuelles du bundling quant au traitement de grande quantité de données tant en terme de rapidité de calcul qu'en terme de taille des jeux de données. Ainsi, nous avons résolu ces limites en introduisant une nouvelle technique plus rapide et sans limitation de taille : FFTEB (Fast Fourier Transform Edge Bundling Technique). Notre technique déplace le processus d'agrégation de l'espace pixelaire vers l'espace spectral. Enfin, grùce à un processus de transfert des données, FFTEB résout les problÚmes de taille de jeux de données. En dernier lieu, dans le cadre d'une application à la maladie d'Alzheimer, cette thÚse démontre l'efficacité des techniques de bundling comme outil d'exploration visuelle. Dans le contexte d'une étude nationale sur la maladie d'Alzheimer, nous avons focalisé notre recherche sur l'analyse de la représentation mentale de l'espace géographique chez les personnes ùgées. Nous montrons que l'utilisation du bundling pour comparer les cartes mentales des populations démentes et non-démentes a permis à des neuropsychologues de formuler de nouvelles hypothÚses sur l'évolution de la maladie d'Alzheimer. Ces nouvelles hypothÚses nous ont permis de montrer l'émergence d'un potentiel marqueur de la maladie prÚs de douze ans avant que les patients ne soient diagnostiqués comme atteints de cette maladie.Dense and complex data visualizations suffer from occluded items, which hinders insight retrieval. This is especially the case for very large graph or trails set. To address cluttering issues, several techniques propose to visually simplify the representation, often meeting scalability and computational speed limits. Among them, bundling techniques provide a visual simplification of node-link diagrams by spatially grouping similar items. This thesis strives to bridge the gap between the technical complexity of bundling techniques and the end-point user. The first aim of this thesis was to improve the understanding of graph and trail bundling techniques as a clutter reduction method for node-link diagrams of large data-set. To do so, we created a data-based taxonomy that organizes bundling methods on the type of data they work on. From this thorough review and based on a formal definition of path bundling, we propose a unified framework that describes the typical steps of bundling algorithms in terms of high-level operations and show how existing methods classes implement these steps. In addition, we propose a description of tasks that bundling aims to address and demonstrate them through a wide set of applications. Although many techniques exist, handling large data-sets and selectively bundling paths based on attributes is still a challenge. To answer the scalability and computational speed issues of bundling techniques, we propose a new technique which improves both. For this, we shift the bundling process from the image to the spectral space, thereby increasing computational limits. We address the later by proposing a streaming scheme allowing bundling of extremely large data-sets. Finally, as an application domain, we studied how bundling can be used as an efficient visualization technique for societal health challenges. In the context of a national study on Alzheimer disease, we focused our research on the analysis of the mental representation of geographical space for elderly people. We show that using bundling to compare the cognitive maps of dement and non-dement subjects helped neuro-psychologist to formulate new hypotheses on the evolution of Alzheimer disease. These new hypotheses led us to discover a potential marker of the disease years before the actual diagnosis

    Attosecond pulse trains using high-order harmonics

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    We demonstrate that high-order harmonics generated by an atom in intense laser field form trains of ultrashort pulses corresponding to different trajectories of electrons that tunnel out of the atom and recombine. Propagation in an atomic jet allows us to select one of these trajectories, leading to a train of pulses of extremely short duration

    Polarization of high-order harmonics

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    We report measurements and calculations of the polarization state of high-order harmonics generated by a 790-nm Ti:sapphire laser. The problem of completely characterizing the polarization state of a partially polarized radiation in the XUV range is discussed in detail. The comparison between several gases, xenon, argon and neon, and different orders, from the 17th to the 33rd, shows that the rotation angle and ellipticity strongly depends on the position of the harmonic in the spectrum, and in particular, whether it is in the cutoff or in the plateau. In the plateau, the rotation angle is quite large, and the ellipticity follows that of the fundamental, remaining, however, smaller. The radiation is only partially polarized. In contrast, in the cutoff, both rotation angle and ellipticity remain small, independently of the laser ellipticity. Our experimental results compare well with theoretical predictions including the single-atom response and propagation effects